Five steps you should think about in anticipation of loss your Android or stolen phone
!!Whatever you are careful comes on and forget your phone somewhere or may be stole
According to some statistics, he steals or lost in one phone every 3.5
seconds, especially in Southeast Asia :) So it is necessary to take some
precautions to cope with the incident.
First: setting a password or phone Pattern:
Although Albaturn and simple password consisting of 4 numbers (PIN) of
porous styles but remain useful to disable access to the phone process

Second: locks screen message:
Put your name or phone number of a reliable or even address in the
screen locks in order to contact you in case your phone is lost and
found him a good person.

Third: Clear Phone:
This step in the case of the phone contains private information and are very important.
But if you're using normal, there is no need for it because the phone
requires encryption you write the code of 6 characters, including
numbers whenever you want to unlock the screen and this is something
Means the attack on the encryption Alandroed cryo
For this purpose - encryption - you can use encryption, which is in the phone settings:
Menu> Setting> Security> Encrypt Device
Or use some external programs as Strong Box or Encrypte File Free and الذان Tgdama Google store-Strong Box is not free -.
Fourth: keep backup copies of your files:
This process can be done by activating the synchronization with Google +
or DropBox where your files are raising Automatically to avoid loss
with the loss of the phone.
installation program for tracking:
Although Google has not yet formulated any program of this kind is a
formal system Alandroed but you can download these programs from other
companies as Avast example program Avast Anti-Theft or powerful software
Cerberus Anti-Theft, which is not free because of its high quality and
strength in this area.
He managed these programs keep track of your phone and locate it in addition to the possibility of erasing all data or closing.

That's all there is to the subject and to the meeting
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